Stop the Junk Mail and Save Some Trees! | Lehigh Valley Moms

I miss mail. Seriously, I miss getting postcards and handwritten letters and things I actually care about in my mailbox each day. Do I get anything of value? NOPE! I honestly don’t even get my bills in the mail anymore (thank you e-banking). My mailbox is starting to look like my email account but without the spam folder full of crap I can ignore.

Anyone else sick and tired of all those prescreened credit card offers and insurance companies junk mail? Seriously, what a waste of paper!

I was so excited to stumble upon this quick and easy way to put all those unsolicited snail-mail spam letters to an end.

I literally just filled out the form for both me and my husband because for the next 5 years, I want the only thing showing up in my mailbox to be the subscription boxes I am obsessed with.

Visit to get off those lists for 5 whole years (WOOHOO!). It is a free service operated by the four major consumer reporting agencies and I’ve seen some pretty high reviews on it unlike that Do No Call Registry which hasn’t seemed to stop my car warranty from expiring. You can also call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT rather than visiting the website but personally, I don’t have time for that. I don’t make calls!

Good luck on your quest to rid yourself of real life spam, save some trees, and feel like the hero you are.





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